How To handle Depression When You Feel Helpless
When you're depressed, you become overwhelmed with helplessness and despair and the intense feeling that you do not control life. You are void of energy, and you are constantly fixed on how boring life is, and you cannot do anything to fix this no matter how hard you try. It is excruciatingly difficult to examine how helpless you feel, so all you do is... -
The complex relationship between your mindset and your life's journey
Have you ever wondered why some days go well and others not so good? Don't you wish you had a crystal ball so you can see your journey ahead? I know I used to wish I could see where I would be in 5 years. Then my mind used to go to work, just dreaming about all the things I would love in life... -
5 Steps to Freedom from Anxiety
Anxiety feels like a tightening in your throat that you cannot quite shake off no matter what you do. Anxiety puts you on edge, making it a hassle to do the thing you usually do. It places a strain on your personal and professional life. It absorbs and overwhelms you leaving you destabilized and inadequate. It can be scary when you are at the... -
3 Simple Steps To A New You
Do you feel stuck with the feeling that life has passed by you? You should know that you are not alone. Everyone starts with the promise of new beginnings, only to find ourselves doing the same things day-in-day-out. Sometimes life can feel exhausting with so many distractions. Even waking up can be overwhelming. Not knowing what to do to improve yourself can be extremely...